It's beginning to feel like Fall and we feel that nothing is as warm and comforting as a mug of hot tea on a chilly day. Hojicha is a tea that pairs perfectly with Fall weather. It is a Japanese green tea that has been roasted to a brown color giving it a toasty, nutty flavor. It also makes a DELICIOUS hot chocolate tea drink. Here's how you can make it at your house.
You'll need:
*1TBS Hojicha tea (add link)
*2 cups milk of your choice
*1/2 cup chopped chocolate ( a 70'ish% chocolate like Potomac Uganda Dark -add link- or Triangle Nicaragua -add link- work really well)
*1 TBS honey
*1/2 tsp vanilla
* OPTIONAL- mini marshmallows
*A small saucepan
*A good tea strainer -add link-
How to make:
*Add the milk and Hojicha to the saucepan and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes
*Take off the heat and let the tea steep for another 5 minutes
*Stain the tea
*Stir (or whisk if you want a bit of froth) in the chocolate, honey and vanilla until well combined.
*Pour into 2 mugs and add marshmallows if desired